Online Event: Taking your Teaching Artistry Online - Lessons from Nantong with Lindsey Bailey.
Wednesday April 1, 7:00PM EDT
How do we bring our Teaching Artistry Online when all the parameters have changed? What are the unique considerations we need to take? What are the strategies we can employ? Let’s learn together from someone who has been teaching through the COVID-19 outbreak for months. Join me online for a chat with Lindsey Bailey, a Teaching Artist living and working in Nantong, China. We will be discussing the questions above - talking about strategies, coping mechanisms, tools, and leaving plenty of time for Lindsey to address your questions and concerns.
Click here for referenced materials: Lindseys Lessons.
Click here for related article: Addressing Covid-19 with our Students: Do we, and if so, how?
Lindsey Bailey
Lindsey Bailey is a teaching artist living in Nantong, China. She has been teaching art in community organizations and schools, across 4 countries, for the past 20 years. Imagination, connection, and collaboration drive Bailey’s teaching and artmaking, helping her to build community and better learn about culture. Originally from Texas, Bailey holds an MFA in Studio Art and an MA in Community Art, both from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She is currently working on her MEd with a Globalization in Education focus, expected August 2020. For more information, please visit:
Tobin Rothlein
Tobin is an unconventional consultant with a global perspective. His practical and creative approach builds on his career as an artist, educator and leader. Tobin has over two decades of experience directing non-profits, facilitating workshops, and leading projects in over 10 countries. With five years at Lincoln Center Education as a Lead Teaching Artist and full time faculty member, he is fluent in the practice of Aesthetic Education, and embraces a flexible approach to its application. While at Lincoln Center he trained adult educators, administrators and artists from around the world, and worked with students and educators in grade school to graduate school classrooms of all five NYC boroughs. His unique contributions to the practice of Aesthetic Education include action research into: the Role of School Counselors and Teaching Artists in Addressing Potential Trauma Triggered by Arts Experiences; The Effects of Aesthetic Education and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) on Self-Contained Classrooms and Students with Learning Disabilities; and The Development of Collaboration and Leadership Skills through Aesthetic Education. Tobin served on the planning committee of the 4th International Teaching Artist Conference (ITAC4) in New York, NY. Tobin received his MFA from MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) in 2013, and certification in Mandarin Chinese and Chinese Culture from Beijing Language and Culture University (formerly Beijing Language Institute) in 1992.