
I was living and working in Phnom Penh Cambodia, and I was interested in exploring the idea of American presence in foreign lands. I had many questions. What is Nationalism? What is an anthem? What place does it have in other lands?What reaction does it illicit? what ghosts does it raise?

I sought my answers by singing the American National anthem for 12 consecutive hours without pause, or breaks in the Phnom Penh marketplace. I was groped, pushed, applauded, excorcised, and ridiculed. Perhaps all fitting responses, in retrospect, to the questions posed.

Hour 1

Hour 1

Hour 2

Hour 2

Hour 3

Hour 3

Hour 4

Hour 4

Hour 5

Hour 5

Hour 6

Hour 6

Hour 7

Hour 7

Hour 8

Hour 8

Hour 9

Hour 9

Hour 10

Hour 10

Hour 11

Hour 11

Hour 12

Hour 12